JewelPost Network for Retailers

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JewelPost Network™
Retailer Subscription Options

The JewelPost Network™ provides a Library of Publication-Ready Social Media Posts (Brand Posts Library) from dozens of jewelry industry brands. Authorized retailers can access, review, and with 1-click immediately publish or schedule to publish any of the posts in the Brand Posts Library on their own social media pages. There are 3 subscription options, as follows:

Brand Posts Library: Starter - $0/mo - Free

Monthly Subscription features include:

  • Receive automated Brand-Sponsored social media posts on your social media pages;
  • Login to your JewelPost Network™ account to view your Posting Calendar showing all scheduled posts from authorizing JewelPost Network brands;
  • In your Posting Calendar, Drag and Drop any brand scheduled post to another day and time that is more convenient;
  • Edit and customize brand post descriptions and hashtags if desired (and if allowed by said brand) before it's posted to your social media pages.
  • Create and schedule your own custom social media posts from your JewelPost Network account (eliminates need to use multiple posting systems and multiple calendars) - this feature is +$39/mo.
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Brand Posts Library:

Full Access - $99/mo

Monthly subscription features include everything in the Brand Posts Library Starter subscription, plus:

  • Access and view the JewelPost Network's custom curated Brand Posts Library;
  • Immediately post and/or schedule a post from authorizing brands and industry organizations to your publication calendar.
  • If approved, you can opt-into allowing select brands to schedule their own content on Your Posting Calendar.
  • Choose from 1000's of curated social media posts from your most important brands and publish them or add them to your publication calendar with 1-click.
  • Edit curated post descriptions (if permitted by the brand) to make them your own.
  • Create and schedule your own custom social media posts from your JewelPost Network account (eliminates need to use multiple posting systems and multiple calendars) - this feature is +$39/mo.

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Already have a JewelPost Network™ account?

View the Library & Get Brand Authorization

Brand Posts Library: Managed Subscription

Starting at $149/mo

Make the JewelPost Network your home for your social media content management. Features include everything in the Brand Posts Library Full Access subscription, plus:

  • We'll coordinate a monthly posting calendar and decide which brands you want to publish on which days of the month and then we'll schedule the posts to your on your social media pages, and/or
  • You can also schedule and publish your own curated content on the monthly posting calendar and see everything, from everywhere, all at once.
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